Friday, October 30, 2009

What is the Purpose?

This weekend I am flying off to San Francisco; one of the main reasons being my first trip planning session with Mitchel! It should be very interesting. We haven't had much interaction since conceptualizing the trip, so this is long overdue.

In anticipation of our time together, I have been non-stop brainstorming options, questions, alternatives, etc. Probably the biggest question I've been mulling over is "What is the purpose of the trip?" I think this key to all of our planning. It's rare that you get to spend a month with a great friend abroad; you really want to get all you can out of it.

So what is the purpose? To bike as many miles as possible and see countryside? To bike a fair amount of miles and have more layover time in cities? To bike a respectable amount, but train between cities and see more of Europe? You get the idea.

I am leaning towards the last option, and I bet Mitch will too. I look forward to what we come up with this weekend.

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